Wait for1 minute ( the polling interval specified in the connector properties). 等待1分钟(连接器属性中指定的轮询间隔)。
Adjust the job polling interval at the node, if necessary. 如果需要,调整节点上的作业轮询间隔。
Enter the Polling Interval ( in seconds), for collecting resource data. 输入PollingInterval(inseconds),用于收集资源数据。
This polling frequency specifies an interval of time that the cache will wait before checking to see if anything has changed. 轮询频率指定在查看是否有任何内容发生更改之前缓存等待的时间间隔。
If the trigger file is updated so that the modified date is changed, the monitor will trigger again within the one minute polling interval and will transfer the file again. 如果文件trigger.go被更新,进而导致修改日期更改,则监控器将在1分钟检查间隔内再次触发并再次传输文件C:destinationdestinationfile.txt。
The default value for the polling interval is30 seconds and is appropriate for initial testing or for small production environments. 轮询间隔的缺省值为30秒,适合于初始测试或小型生产环境。
Set the polling interval according to your application requirements. 请根据您的应用程序需求设置轮询间隔。
The server load can be alleviated by increasing the polling interval, but this has the undesirable consequence of introducing a lag between a server event and the client's awareness of it. 虽然可以通过增加轮询的时间间隔来减轻服务器负荷,但是这种方法会产生不良后果,即延迟客户机对服务器事件的感知。
When setting the polling interval, you will need to balance the CPU capacity of the system running the job manager along with the number of nodes and the nodes â™ polling interval. 设置轮询间隔时,需要在运行作业管理器的系统的CPU容量与节点数目和节点轮询间隔之间取得平衡。
The polling demo in the article source code shows the bandwidth consumption by the polling method. The interval is low, but you can see some requests returning no event. Listing 3 shows the output of the sample polling. 文章源代码中的轮询演示给出了轮询方法所消耗的带宽,间隔很小,但可以看到有些请求并未返回事件,清单3清单3给出了这一轮询示例的输出。
The user is able to control both the polling interval and the duration of the execution. 用户可以控制轮询时间间隔和执行持续时间。
The FileInput node property named Polling interval controls the frequency with which the FileInput node accesses the file system looking for files to process. 名为Pollinginterval的FileInput节点属性控制FileInput节点访问文件系统以查找要处理的文件的频率。
Click all target servers if all target servers share the same polling interval. 如果所有目标服务器共享同一轮询间隔,单击。
In this lesson, you will simply add a polling interval for the distributor; the polling interval defines how frequently the distributor looks for work items. 在本课中,只需要添加分发服务器的轮询间隔;轮询间隔定义分发服务器查找工作项的频率。
Specify whether to submit additional batches until the stored procedure or query returns no results, or submit a single stored procedure or query result for each polling interval. 指定是在存储过程或查询未返回任何结果后才提交其他批,还是在每个轮询间隔提交一个存储过程结果或查询结果。
In polling mode, the way to determine the polling interval of a Master station to ensure the real time performance of Class 1 data is illustrated. 在问答式传输模式中,论述了在保证1类数据的实时性的情况下,主站询问子站的时间间隔的选取方法和选取范围;
Aiming at the localization of the traditional collection polling policy, a dynamic time interval collection method is designed and implemented to improve the efficiency and accuracy of data collection in this paper. 针对传统的采集轮询策略的局限性,本文设计并实现了改进的动态时间间隔采集方法,提高了数据采集的效率和准确性。